Monday, 19 March 2007

Our Rock Pool Creatures

We have bean using the combination key to design a Rocky Shore creature. We have been though a lot of trouble making these creatures. We have to get two rock pool creatures or a sea creature and combine the two to make one. We have done a t-chart on our creature about its features and why they have them.

By Nic, Louis and Kyle.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What great rock pool creatures! Maybe if we keep watching the rock pools, we'll see some future creatures like these evolve. Did Lukas tell you that he saw a big octopus while standing in a rock pool on the Great Ocean Road in South Australia? It was quite amazing, and it swam right past him! If you like, we can we post the picture we took of this magnificent creature -- just tell us how to do that.
Cheers! Nina-Marie and Lukas

Anonymous said...

Hi,i'm Jasper and I used to be in Rm 8.I didn't Know that the people would develop into such good artists!These are such well created sea creatures!If sientists
tried to develop these creatures, they might just be able to do it.
From Jasper

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful site :-) The design of the Rocky Shore creature is amazing and shows great imagination. Well done!

Aileen (Kyle's Mum)